Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Cherish the Moments...

I went to a beautiful Memorial, rather a celebration, tonight.  We got to be a part of witnessing the legacy of an amazing woman, Grandma Georgia B.   It is times like these where you are reminded to cherish the moments, no matter what they easy it is to write this, but in those "day in, day out" moments it can sometimes be such a challenge.  But I am inspired tonight that tomorrow is a new day with a fresh start and I want to enjoy every moment with everyone I love dearly - TO THE FULLEST! 

My heart is so full tonight thinking of the treasures that I have in my life.  People and little people that I do not deserve.  I did nothing for them but God gave them to me.  Thank You!  May I steward them well...

Some moments I love and some I am learning to cherish and enjoy.  Moments like holding my 2 year old boy in my arms at night as I rock him and hear him say "rock-a-bye baby mom?", remembering that not too long ago he was a "tiny" in my arms. How did the time go bye so fast?!  Times like watching your baby girl laugh and giggle as daddy changes her and tickles her, I love these moments.  Or watching her take her first wobbly steps.  This is Heaven here on the Earth!  There is nothing like it!  Or the times when you watch your children discover "Christmas" for the first time, "look at all those Christmas!" meaning, Christmas lights on the houses and trees - everything is "Christmas".  Or, even moments like we had just the other night.  Both kiddos are in the tub and Dustin goes to check on them only to find that one of them, the 2 year old, left some "presents" for them to play in!!!  Oh my gosh, ick!!!  How long were they sitting in it?  Your mind races with questions.  But they didn't complain one bit...I can't think too hard about it otherwise it makes me sick to my stomach...babies, they are so resilient!  

As I am cleaning the tub and trying to hold it together and not lose it all in the tub, the thought of "one day this will be a great memory" runs through my mind - BUT, right now this is pretty gross!  Or, there are the times when both of your children are sick and up in the night with snotty noses, you go from one room comforting a baby to the next and start it all over again...and all you can do is rock them and cuddle them...its so tempting to be frustrated and tired, but then you look at their little faces and it all melts away and you are relegated to nothing but sheer wonder and love... 

I want to enjoy all these moments.  I'll never have them again...precious are these moments...treasures <3

Yes, I am BEYOND blessed.  My cup runneth over!  I am the richest woman in all the world!!!  I could go on and on!  And I want to CHERISH EVERY MOMENT!!!

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