Tuesday, September 14, 2010

On to August!

The Church where D & team ministered
Workin' out the Stomp!
Wow, August was crazy and awesome!  Among the everyday things we do we got to do quite a bit of traveling.  At the beginning of the month Dustin went with Pastor Norm and a team to minister at a Focus on the Family conference in Costa Rica (such a privilege) on the topic of Generational Transfer.  It was incredible for him to be a part of this team that so embodied the message.  They had a representative of each generation and God did great things!  What an incredible feeling to know that you are being used by God to bring a greater degree of real unity not only in the generations but also in the church body all over the world!

While he was in C.R., the kids and I travelled with my parents to San Diego, CA to visit family and help the time apart pass quicker.  My mom's sister and family hadn't met our baby girl yet so it was so fun getting to introduce them to her and play in the sun splashing around in the pool!  We had a refreshing time together.

We were all home for about a week then were off for another week at our annual church Family Camp - it was off the charts!  We heard a message on breaking barriers in our life and freely living the message of Jesus Christ!  God is doing incredible things in His church and I'm so glad to be alive today!

So needless to say, with everything else we normally do in a month, these added travels made for a busy month.  Here are some pics from C.R. and also F.C. (I'll have to post pics from our time in San Diego later when I find them).  Enjoy:

The C.R. Team

Pastor Norm with Pastor Ronald translating an the awesome message of generational transfer!
A young person D got to pray for and minister to
D's good friend Joel and his girlfriend
The guys enjoying some...cantaloupe?! 
Zoomin' around with Aunt Linda and the kiddos
Eenie girl with her papa Kevin
Eenie with Uncle Dennis and Jaren

Tickle fest with the Uncle's
SUCH a doll!

In love with these two...
Daddy & team winning the b-ball championship :o)

What a babe!  Is this the life or what?!

Running, running...we'll start with June :o)

Its been a long time since I've written...we've been running hard and fast these last several months!  We've been traveling, teaching, speaking, vacationing, camping and its been incredible.  I'll have to write about the latest activities and get caught up with tons of pictures so please don't mind if this is a longer post...I hope you enjoy!

So, starting back at the end of June, we took our first vacation of the year (it was much needed and thoroughly enjoyed).  We spent two weeks on the Oregon Coast and had a blast.  Our first week was just Dustin, the kids and I in Seaside, OR and our second week was with my family at Rockaway beach.  The weather was typical for a coastal vacation in the early summer, mostly overcast with a few days of cool, but sunny, clear blue skies.  Aww, there's nothing like the beach!  I'm originally from California, the Monterey Bay to be exact, so this was a treat for me - I miss the beach (and I know, Seattle has "beaches" but its just not the same).  We had a great time playing, relaxing, reconnecting...I'll let the pics do some of the talking...
Playing with Papa @ our beach house in Rockaway, OR

The beautiful kitchen - loved this place!

so fun watching these two play together <3

The family @ the Museum of Flight in Tillamook, OR

Beautiful family and Haystack Rock, Cannon Beach, OR

My stud brother Michael

My favorite thing about vacation...QT with our babes!

Next to my love relationship with my Heavenly Father, there's nothing more important to me than my family...everything begins here and if I don't have the hearts of my husband and babes than I have nothing. I am passionate about resting!  We must always take time out to just rest - resting in the Lord and hearing Him and resting our bodies and our families.  I am so grateful for the time we had.  I am grateful for the time I was able to have just sitting in God's presence, I so needed to hear him speak to me.  I needed to hear Him tell me to be like Joshua who was very strong and very courageous - he did not shrink back from anything, no matter what!

Yes, June was a good month :o)