Thursday, April 1, 2010


Well, I'm not really sure where to begin.  I've recently read and watched some things that have rocked me: an article from the Economist called 'Gendercide' (this article is about the selective murdering of baby girls that takes place every day around the world but particularly in Asia for the sheer fact that they are no good financially to the family they've been born to) and the recent film, Precious (an Indie film about the struggles of a young black girl growing up in the inner city of Harlem in the late 1980's).  These are two VERY raw things that I encourage you to read and watch only if you want to grow in having a burden for the things that I believe are on God's heart.  I struggled with both of them and whether I would write about them.  I found myself asking "what good does it do to know some of what's going on but not be able to make a difference in those situations?"  Just because I know something doesn't mean I've done something to change it.  

As I was thinking about all this, I was realizing its ok to struggle, we need to struggle through things, to be uncomfortable, to be burdened.  Its through the struggle that a passion gets birthed, its through the struggle that intercession flows, from a deep and real heart cry to see things change for the better.  Part of my struggle was for the church - we need to know what's going on, and I believe we are waking up more and more to the cries all around us.  

I want to live rocked.  I want to pray out of being rocked.  I want to love out of being rocked - by the real things, by the Real One.  If you're like me, it can be overwhelming trying to figure out how to make a difference when there's so much need but we can't undervalue and underestimate the power of our passionate, true prayers.  And we can't underestimate the power of loving in our every day lives.  As Mother Teresa said, "Do not think that love, in order to be genuine, has to be extraordinary. What we need is to love without getting tired."  May we love with out getting tired!